Food Trends: What’s In, What’s Out

You might think the fashion industry has a lock on trends, but trends are found in the food industry, too.

Not sure about that?  Take a look through the pages of a cookbook from the 60’s or 70’s.  I’ve inherited a few from my mom and grandmother.  The pages are worn and, just like the cookbooks I use all the time, I can pick out the favorite recipes by the handwritten notes in the margins and the dog-eared pages.  As a child of the 70s, the cookbooks tell the story of the Jell-O salads and casseroles that were a staple on the dinner table.   For lunch, my mom would pack bologna sandwiches and Twinkies in my Wonder Woman lunchbox.

Today, most of us want to know exactly what we are feeding our families, and ourselves, and bologna sandwiches and Twinkies have been replaced with quinoa salad, free-range chicken and organic grapes.

We also see trends in restaurants (farm to table -- thank you Alice Waters!), and, in one of the latest trends, food delivery service means now, instead of ordering pizza, we can order chef made meals and pre-measured and portioned food we cook ourselves.


Some trends never go out of style (like onion dip and crock pots), some we put a modern spin on (kale Caesar salad), and some trends take awhile to learn how to pronounce (acai and quinoa).


And just like in fashion, one day you’re in, the next day you’re out.


Here’s a look at what’s hot in food trends now and what to look forward to in 2017 (more emphasis on how we cook and where we get our food).



Turmeric -- this spice is not only healthy, but loaded with flavor

Acai bowl

Poke -- if you like ceviche, you'll love poke.

Cauliflower Rice -- a delicious (and healthier) alternative to white rice

Sheetpan Dinners

Bone broth

Avocado toast


Food Trends We're Over

Agave Nectar -- honey and maple syrup are lower on the glycemic index

Juice Cleanses

Coconut Water -- just never got this one.  Now, coconut milk, on the other hand, is a staple in my pantry

Kale -- I still like kale, but there are so many other hearty greens to enjoy: dandelion greens, swiss chard and beet greens to name a few.


Trends for 2017

Continuing to embrace and explore global cuisines

Bowls -- acai, poke and bimabap

Focus on sustainable food and zero waste

Environmentally responsible food

Drynuary --- In January, taking the month off alcohol

Miso Paste -- enriches soup and stews and makes them taste like you've spent hours in the kitchen

Shopping at international markets, like Uyajimaya


Of course, this list, like fashion, is completely subjective.   I like to subscribe to the rule: Wear what you want to wear, and eat what makes you happy.  My favorite trend is being true to yourself and that is a trend that never goes out of style.


Don't forget to like us on Facebook, follow us on Instagram and tag your photo #amenuforyou when you cook one of our recipes!

Happy Cooking!

Lisa and Donna

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