Best Lunch Ideas for a Yummy Start to 2020
Last updated on May 9th, 2023 at 05:21 am
Why is figuring out what to make for lunch some days is so darn hard?
Are you the type of person who grabs a quick muffin?
Or maybe you forage for an apple with peanut butter (that’s absolutely me some days!). How many times do you just give up, pour another cup of coffee and then ransack your fridge at 4 because you’re staaaaarving (yep, also me).
Lunch really shouldn’t be that hard, should it?
The answer is nope.
Not if you plan it out. And, honestly, you really don’t even have to plan it out that much.
With a tiny little bit of planning and prep, lunch can be super easy to throw together, whether you’re making it for yourself or your kids.
Here are just a few ideas and what I make for lunch that easily carries me on through to dinner.
This is probably the lunch I make the most often. All you need is your favorite grain + veggies + protein + dressing. Plug it whatever you have on hand, or prep over the weekend so you can just reheat.
For grain you can use farro, quinoa, couscous, brown rice, or white rice. Add some roasted veggies like carrots, sweet potatoes, squash, and bell peppers. Top it off with rotisserie chicken from your local store. Drizzle with a dressing like the one in the recipe below.
If you’re making this for your kids or taking this to work, pack all the components in a bowl with the dressing in a separate container. Then toss the ingredients with the dressing when you’re ready to eat.
It’s seriously skies the limit when it comes to a lunch bowl. Leftover steak from last night? Add it your bowl. Pickled onions? Add it to your bowl. Avocado? DEFINITELY, add that to your bowl.
I don’t think lunch gets much easier than a sandwich. But there are so many other options instead of just the usual pb&j. Not that there’s anything wrong with a pb&j. But there’s a whole world out there of other sandwiches to explore!
Running a veeeeery close second to easy lunches is the salad. And like the bowl, skies the limit when it comes to what you can put in a salad.
I love adding leftover roast chicken, grilled shrimp or flank steak. You can also buy a rotisserie chicken to save time.
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