Shikanji (Limeade)
Last Summer we had a crazy long heatwave. Crazy for the PNW (where temps rarely rise above 75) and looooooong because it lasted, now don’t laugh here, about a week. And, YES, that IS long for us PNWesterners.
I was catching up on some emails, and this recipe from Bon Appetit caught my attention. It was a drink I’d never heard of before. I had all the ingredients on hand and whipped up a batch. And OMG… was AMAZING! Not only did it completely cool me down, but, it was fabulously tasty. Equal parts sour and salty with the barest hint of sweet.
It’s a recipe you can EASILY adjust depending on your tastes. Add more, or less salt. More, or less, sweetener….you get the idea.
And a big bonus — you can leave this as a mocktail OR whip up a batch for your next warm weather party. Have tequila, vodka and gin on standby for people to add if they want.